What’s going on. Y’all. Welcome to the pro day sports performance training podcast. I’ve got a great one for you today. We are actually here with a guest. Most of you probably know this guest is Ryan Nelson. What’s up? What’s, so all of...
What’s going on. Welcome to the pro day sports performance podcast. We’ve got a fun one for you today. We’re going to give you a little idea on what goes into probate, all aspects of it. So I’m actually here with Emma Jackson, my wife, and I...
What’s going on. Y’all welcome to the pro day podcast. I’m your host, Josh Jackson. Let’s jump into it today. We got a good one. So today we’re going to be pretty specific and what pro day does, and we’re going to be talking about...
What’s up and welcome to the pro day podcast. I’m your host, Josh Jackson, and today we’re going to be talking about the reason for sports performance training. Why does it, let’s jump into it. So with sports, there are layers. Today I’m...