And what they do? They struggled because they didn’t take the Tulsa speed and agility training that they received this week. And the constant training that they get from Suzan and the rest of us as well from time to time. But they didn’t take that and they wanted to do it their way. And so there’s really no their way. There’s an Sr way to do this to be extremely successful. And the people that do what we do extremely successful do it the NSR way. And those that don’t Larry struggle, is that a true or false statement? Couldn’t be more true, OK, and it doesn’t mean they’re not good people. And it doesn’t mean they don’t have good backgrounds. It just means that they think they can do it their way at the end of the day, we’re not hiring you to do it your way. We’re hiring it. Take your expertise in speed and agility training Tulsa, your personality, your strengths, and to learn how to do things the right way. We’ve all coached people. I may have coached. Let’s go right there. How massive coached collegiately where they want to see that you are working outside of your sport like speed and agility training Tulsa?
A massive coach travel club where thay have a dedicated improve vertical jump training tulsa coach? OK Great high school at the end of the day, here’s what I’m telling you. Y’all had kids before when you coach that had all the skills and the talent in the world. You saw it, you know it, you know they were good. They could be extremely successful if taught correctly how to improve vertical jump training in tulsa. And all you need to do is take your coaching and you knew then, but they would do it. Listen to you. But they never would execute it. And they would listen to you and then they would execute and they never did reach the highest level potential they were. But ’cause they always did something that they just took away from somebody else. So just to lay it out there today.
This week is is it is for us to teach you how to do the NSR business. We’re gonna teach you hard this girl to my right she knows her speed and agility training Tulsa. Which way I guess will be to the left if you’re looking at the screen, you know I don’t know how that goes out reverse, I’m not smart enough to know how that works in reverse image Chris. OK, so I mean I move get that all wrong down here South Alabama kinf of like Tulsa’s improve vertical jump training program but not quite, but it is a day she’s going to coach you and you’re going to take Ollie, you know and she’s ******** what she is. Oh, but at the end of the day, clear it’s because we need you to be the most successful in this or person that you can be. The truth is, I need I need all ten of you. That’s only it’s going to be going through training to end up being the best that’s ever done this. That’s what we need. And that’s what we want for the growth for you and your success, and also for MSR. We all do things here. This so that you know we still all get involved in the process. I still enroll kids daily who want to improve vertical jump training tulsa because I need to have a finger on the pulse of what’s going on. And I’m smart enough Jack to know this is what we train doesn’t work for me it should works for you the tulsa speed and agility training works for almost everyone. OK ’cause I’m not service guy darks. Sharpest tool in the shed right? So if it’s not going to work for me it definitely won’t work for you. But if it works for me it will definitely work for you. And that’s the kind of the way we look at it. So we glare stays involved enrolling kids. I still enroll kids mikes rolls a little bit different from the softball standpoint.
He doesn’t directly enroll kids, but he’s always a part of helping enroll kids in the Tulsa improve vertical jump training. Susan still enrolls from time to time, but is more directly involved in the coaching stuff behind the scenes. And so the point I’m trying to make is is that the things we teach this week. Are not clear ethical. They’re not hypothetical. There is right as rain in Israel is it. Yes, OK, ’cause we only have one source of income in Nash County border for you know this that’s enrolling athletes and see it. OK, let’s see if we don’t do anything else. We enroll athletes, so we have to be expert at that. Athletes that are doing their weekly speed and agility training Tulsa and other places too mut mainly Tulsa. Each one of you are going to have different backgrounds. OK, I Chris may have a softball background. Great man. It’s awesome at the end of the day, I’m not trying to train anybody in here to be an expert in his improve vertical jump training tulsa classes. I’m trying to train you how to be a recruiting expert. But that sink in Bridgman OK. If you want to maximize opportunity inside this organization, you will not just be an expert in baseball, softball, football, basketball, or whatever it was, but you’ll you’ll become an expert in recruiting, which means that you have the access and access to the tools to help anybody.
So we’re glad you’re here. This is a growth for NSR. This is a growth for us as a company. You are growth for us and we’re excited to have you here. This I think I made this very clear claim the other day. For those of you that CNS are in the background already, Larry, my myself and Suzan. Guys, we don’t do this part time. This is what we live, breathe and eat outside of improve vertical jump training tulsa, OK, this is how everybody at my house gets eaten. This is how everybody in my house gets to have gas put in the car so they drive. So this is a way of life for us. This is living. This is our job. This is our career. In other words what I’m trying to say or is it in the hobby? OK, so this isn’t just we don’t show up. One day I put a shirt on and then take it off and go do something else. I realize all of you can’t be in that really in that position right?