We are offering Volleyball lessons in Tulsa that provide the very highest quality methods for our athletes to participate in. our motto is play for the game, trained for the moment. What does this even mean? We would like to explain this to you. We produce athletes. you would expect that almost everyone who walks through the doors of a facility providing Sports Performance training already has athletic ability. Sometimes this is the case, but oftentimes it is not. Did you know that the real difference the Oxford dictionary uses to differentiate an athlete from a player is one word? That word is proficient.

When we provide Volleyball lessons in Tulsa, we are striving to help our athletes become proficient like the many great athletes that have come before us such as lebron, serena, Simone, among many other amazing athletes. We noticed that the Oxford definition of an athlete is a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical activity, while the definition of a player is a person taking part in a sport or a game. Every player can play in the game, but athletes are called for something higher. They are called to train for the moment. When your number is called, you are prepared to perform in your moment. This is because you have trained your body to have power that is absolutely explosive, a reaction time that is incredibly quick, and abilities that outperform all of your peers.

This is the value of taking Volleyball lessons in Tulsa with us. We are training you to have explosive power and amazing training. When it comes to volleyball we know that being able to explosively have power during a game is extremely important, so we make sure that this is possible for all of our clients by working on specific skill sets that they will need to play the sport with efficiency and grace. We have three pillars that every athlete should follow and adopt as they are training with us.

are three pillars include training, testing, and recovery. Everyone agrees among the athletic community that one of the best things that you can do is train outside of your sport and develop yourself as a multi-sport athlete. how you train will make you stronger in every area. healthier bodies are able to fight the compensation of underutilized muscle groups. If you do not do this, you are likely to burn out. We also highly value testing. you have to celebrate the small wins. It takes perseverance, hard work, as well as time to achieve High reaching goals. We know that Success is Not overnight. So where do you start? At our facility we tell anyone we can that you can’t manage what you don’t measure.

to learn more, visit our website at https://prodaysports.com/. We would also love to hear from you on the phone. If you would like to call us please dial this number: 918-625-4011.

Volleyball lessons in Tulsa | Striving For Success

When you attend our Volleyball lessons in Tulsa, you can rest assured that you are receiving the very highest quality training available as we follow our three pillars for success for every athlete. these pillars, as we have mentioned in other places on our website, our training, testing, and recovery. We find each of these to be a crucial part of your athletes training, and we will emphasize each one as we are working with them. This can show up in many different ways. Considering training, we believe that it is important to train hard and train well in your specific discipline. However, we also believe that cross training in various other disciplines is extremely important as well so that you can develop every muscle in your body.

Through these Volleyball lessons in Tulsa, you will also see our other core value testing show up very frequently. we will tell anyone that will listen to it, you can’t manage what you don’t measure. When was the last time you tested your individual abilities? We aren’t talking about stats, because they have so much variability and aren’t a great measure for you as an individual. That’s also too specific to yourself as a player of a specific player for a period. We know that stats are not a good indicator of a player’s abilities, so what measures do we use?

When you take Volleyball lessons in Tulsa with us, know that we are developing proprietary Sports Performance testing similar to what you see in the NFL or NBA on tv. We have brought it to the youth level, and we now have every major sport perform the same test. These tests cover the five foundational aspects of an athlete’s colon explosiveness, power, speed, reaction, and agility. we believe that all of these elements are extremely crucial to a young athlete that is developing

Finally we focus on recovery. recovery can include many things, including self-care, mindfulness, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and nutrition. We know that your body works as an engine, and we want to help offer solutions to maintain its effectiveness. We do this by fueling it with good nutritious food, utilizing time management to rest mentally as well as physically, and using technology that is available to us in order to prevent and treat injuries and other aspects that will otherwise hold you back from being the best athlete that you can be.

If you’d like to read more about our various practices and methods that we use to build our athletes up and encourage them to be the best that they can be please visit our website at https://prodaysports.com/. We would also love to speak with you on the phone at any time that you would like. You can give us a call at any time of day or night and we will go over all of the different options that we have in terms of training for you and your young athletes. Please give us a call at your earliest convenience at 918-625-4011.