We are still talking about our vertical jump tests at Broken Arrow volleyball club in knee high spark back on February 1st 2020 we had some younger brothers of young girls that are doing volleyball competition today Next up we had Cole Howard he is from union schools Tulsa union sports Cole was only able to jump 13 inches in a standing vertical jump I believe he’s on the younger side probably less than 10 years old he rings 315th among his youth fitness Tulsa peers this is good for somebody this young to go ahead and do this vertical jump they can see overtime how they’re improving no matter how bad their score is Additionally they have help from PPA certified jump coach Corey Else should they need it Paul also jumped 14 inches in his approach vertical jump ranking 238th place and should join improve vertical jump training Tulsa if he wants to compete against the best and improve his scores.

The next athlete that we’re going to take a look at another young male I’m going to butcher his name at saccio grider of Jenks sports Jenks soccer looks like he has a friend Bennett Bryant also from Jenks we’ll take a look at both of their scores said she to had a 12 inch standing vertical jump ranks 330 third among his male youth fitness Tulsa peers should he join improve vertical jump training Tulsa sachi to could improve that to approximately 16 inches in as little as two months his approach vertical jump is 14 inches and ranks 230 eighth among us youth fitness Tulsa peers Ann could benefit from additional training from PPA certified jump coach Corey Else so Cheetos friend Bennett bryant’s jumped 11 inches in a standing vertical jump and 12 inches in his approach vertical jump a difference of only one inch both of those scores can improve with improve your vertical jump training Tulsa.

A young female athlete from Jenks Oklahoma Jenks sports Kate francie jumped with this on this day February 1st 2020 Kate had a 14 inch standing vertical jump in a 15 inch approach vertical jump both of those rank in the top 400 and approximately 400 and 50th place among her youth fitness Tulsa peers both of which could use additional training from improve vertical jump training Tulsa and the team with PPA certified jump coach Corey Else

Kelsey Christian of Broken Arrow sports Broken Arrow volleyball was next to jump with a 14 inch attempt on her standing vertical jump and a 16 inch approach vertical jump she’s going in the right direction given that she improved by two inches but PPA certified jump coach Corey Else says that should be closer to five or six inches difference should use improve vertical jump training in Tulsa to increase both of those scores.

Madison Moseley of Bixby sports Bixby volleyball Madison had a difference of three inches between her standing vertical jump of 14 inches improve vertical jump training Tulsa she ranks four 186th place and her approach vertical jump of three inches difference 17 inches overall 282nd place among her youth fitness Tulsa peers and could benefit from additional training from PPA certified jump coach Corey Else

Madison Moseley of Bixby sports Bixby volleyball had a difference of three inches between her standing vertical jump and approach vertical jump 14 inches and 17 inches respectively

Justice guy for a young female out of Bixby sports Bixby volleyball rank 612 place with her 13 inch standing vertical jump and had no difference in her approach vertical jump also 1/5 of 13 inches ranks her 574th place this is a big red flag according to PPA certified jump coach Corey Else that means that her power that she’s getting from her run is not resulting in a higher vertical jump she is not efficient and needs improve vertical jump training Tulsa.

Chloe McCall of Bixby sports and Bixby volleyball is Next up let’s take a look at her vertical jump 13 inches in her standing and 14 inches in her approach a difference of only one inch again shows us that she’s not getting any power from her approach and running up to it and so that is something that PPA certified jump coach Corey Else would like to look at on video and give her some pointers on improving that through improve your vertical jump training Tulsa.

Cassidy Williams a young female from Jenks sports Jenks volleyball jump 13 inches in her standing vertical jump which is in need of improvement improve vertical jump training Tulsa however she did jump 3 inches higher in her approach vertical jump resulting in a rank of 368th place cutting that in half at a score of 16 inches so she’s on the right track with a difference of about 3 inches that is something that with a little bit of help PPA certified jump coach Corey Else can improve even further.

Madeline draeger boey of Bixby sports Bixby volleyball had what PPA certified jump coach Corey Else says is more typical between a standing vertical jump and approach vertical jump her standing was 13 inches which is not great she needs improve vertical jump training Tulsa however she was able to jump 5 inches higher on her approach resulting in a rank of 204th place and a score of 18 inches On this date.

Emily Watts comes to us from Tulsa public schools Tulsa public schools sports as well as her friend mackenzie Howard of union Tulsa union sports Tulsa union volleyball both jumped 12 inches in their standing vertical jump and 12 inches for Emily and 14 inches from McKinsey in their approach I think they’re on the younger side and so there’s just lots of room for improvement in learning from somebody like PPA certified jump coach Corey Else and the team at improve your vertical jump training Tulsa.

The following seven athletes all jumped 11 inches in their standing vertical jump this does not rank well however a lot of these athletes are on the younger side and so we’ll just go through them in list format Ella Jones from Tulsa public schools Emily Griffin of Tulsa union sports Tulsa union volleyball M and Gibson of home school sports Tulsa home school volleyball no well God air of Jenks sports Jenks volleyball Ali Edwards of Broken Arrow sports Broken Arrow volleyball Ann Reagan rayburn of Bixby sports in Bixby volleyball all of these athletes again jumped 11 inches in their standing vertical jump they rank 750 second place among their youth fitness Tulsa peers and all could improve vertical jump training Tulsa their scores would improve to at least 15 inches in as little as two months. Taking a look at all these athletes approach vertical jump we have Alexis Ella Emily Ann Emin and well they all jumped 12 inches of difference of only one inch Ali and Reagan both increased their vertical jump by additional 3 inches on their approach resulting in a score of 14 inches and a rank of 502nd place the three inches is more in line with what PPA certified jump coach Corey Else likes to see however the young ladies that jumped the same or one inch higher could use additional training.