Continuing our discussion about our pro day scouting combine at Monte casino volleyball and Monte casino sports it’s my pleasure to tell you a little bit about McKinsey poland’s at the time of her jump she was a 7th grader she is now an eighth grader and I think she’s improved her score so on her standing vertical jump 23 inches ranking sixth among her youth fitness Tulsa peers with a little bit of training with improve vertical jump training Tulsa she could be top one easily her approach vertical jump is only one inch better and according to PPA certified jump coach Corey Else that should be closer to five or six inches difference which would be an improvement of 24 inches to now 29 inches and she would rank in the top one for that category.

Jackson osentowski is from University of Oklahoma sports he also tested on October 26 2019 and jumped 26 inches in his standing vertical jump and 30 inches in his approach vertical jump that is an amazing athlete right there as I myself only jump around 22 inches on my standing vertical jump no difference at 4 inches tells PPA certified jump coach Corey Else that there is still room for improvement.

Olivia Lai of Monte casino volleyball she’s now moved I believe she plays for verdigris volleyball and verdigris sports jumped 19 inches in her standing vertical jump ranks 70 second among her youth fitness Tulsa Pierce and she jumped 26 inches on her approach vertical jump ranking in the top eight among her youth fitness Tulsa peers should she want to get into the top 5% she needs improve vertical jump training Tulsa and should join it with her friend Lauren harmes which is Next up for the vertical jump

Lauren harms ended up joining our improve vertical jump training Tulsa program but this was her first attempt 18 inches ranked 116th place and 18 inches on her approach which ranks 204th place So what this tells PPA certified jump coach Corey Else there’s plenty of room for improvement as your standing vertical jump and approach vertical jump should not be the same.

Billy harms is Lawrence twin brother they’ve been playing volleyball for a very long time he is from Broken Arrow sports and Broken Arrow volleyball he ranks 116th place with a 22 inch standing vertical attempt and 108th place with an approach vertical jump of 24 inches we average a four inch standing vertical jump increase at improve vertical jump training Tulsa and Billy could easily get from 22 to 26 on standing and 24 to 28 on his approach.

Will walkie of Bishop Kelly sports and Bishop Kelly soccer had a 22 inch standing vertical jump and a 25 inch approach vertical jump a difference of three inches was just respectable but closer to four or five inches is what PPA certified jump coach Corey Else says we should expect the difference to be.

Noah Benton jumped on this day we don’t know which high school he’s a part of but Noah jumped 22 inches and 26 inches respectively between his standing and approach vertical jump again that is something a difference of four inches is more likely what we’re looking for according to PPA certified jump coach Corey Else.

James Duffy of Bishop Kelly sports Ann Bishop Kelly soccer jump 21 inches on this day resulting in a rank of 139th place against his youth fitness Tulsa peers a jump of 26 inches in his approach vertical jumper resulting in a rank of 84th among his youth fitness Tulsa peers

Mario delgadillo from Bishop Kelly sports and Bishop Kelly soccer had an approach vertical jump of 26 inches resulting in a rank of 84th place and a standing vertical jump of 21 inches resulting in rank 139th place so his scores were almost identical to James duffy’s his good friend and both of them should know with a little bit of improve vertical jump training Tulsa we offer a four inch standing vertical jump guarantee over two months.

I zic oh Linda hunt of Monte casino sports Monte casino soccer jumped 19 inches and 21 inches respectively for his standing and approach vertical jumps that ranks him 183rd and 140th place

We’re testing Eva night this time from Monte casino sports and Monte casino volleyball she jumped 16 inches on her standing and 16 inches on her approach what that tells PPA certified jump coach Corey Else is there is room for improvement by a couple of inches with a little bit of training.Are you getting effective training workouts in? Stop spending countless hours training and not seeing results. Contact Pro Day Sports so we can help you improve your training sessions so you get the most out of them.

Next up we have Aaron jolin Natalie westfall and Britain miles as well as Trent Jones all of these athletes let’s see Aaron is from Saint Pius sports Natalie westfall is from Monte casino sports Britton miles is from All Saints Broken Arrow sports and Trent Jones is for monte cassino sports all four of these athletes jumped 16 inches on their standing vertical jump and between 17 and 19 inches in their approach vertical jump we did remind them that if they join improve vertical jump training Tulsa they could improve by an average of four inches over two months.

The following seven athletes starting with Natalie achoa of Saint Mary’s Tulsa sports Megan viso of Saint Pius sports Berkeley seefeldt of Saint Mary sports Cameron lich thi of Marquette sports Caroline rabb of Monte casino sports Kira I’m going to butcher this last name call Nick sketch of Mount Marquette sports mattie balbas of Monte casino sports Amelia Johnson of Marquette sports all of these athletes so total of 8 athletes all jumped 15 inches in their standing vertical jump at the pro day scouting combine that we held on October 26th 2019. All these athletes could see an increase of four inches over two months with improve vertical jump training Tulsa. And PPA certified jump coach Corey Else is eager to continue to work on their approach vertical jump making sure that they are doing it efficiently and effectively.