Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa means that you are embracing the explosive power that is required for you to reach all of your goals. Explosive training is something that will be able to help you for years and years to come in any sport or foundation. The fact is that you are more likely to use explosive strength than any other form. And our goal is to help you improve your quick twitch muscle fibers, and maximize every Newton of energy that is spent with the training we give you so that you are able to jump to the moon.

When you are trying to Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa, you need to ensure that you are getting the absolute most out of all effects of your training. Well some people think it means you can just jump higher, but also means that you are needing the strength that is required, as well as the flexibility and strength of your muscles to obtain that extremely high jump. We do that through multiple variants of training, and ensuring that you are getting the most out of every single rep that is taken. Going above and beyond is something that all of us want to do, however it is not something we all have the guidance to take advantage of. That’s where we come into play.

By improving your strength you are able to Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa. And that’s where things such as explosive strength training can come into play. For example, one of the exercises that everyone loves to hate is the squat. However the squad is going to help improve you so much especially whenever it comes to explosivity. This does not mean doing 15 reps at a lighter way, this means having a controlled area where you are able to stack on the weight and safely be able to lift it and push yourself to the next level. This is not something you want to do alone.

We also have practical exercises as well, as well as specialty ones. From the single leg jump, box jump, as well as resistance jumping as well. This means that whenever you get to your usual climax point of the jump, you are facing maximum resistance to bring you back down to the ground. Fighting against this resistance, as well as continuing to push through that is something that seems impossible, however we will help you exceed and push past those limits.

We want to help you jump past and sore through all of your goals. We have worked with people from all of the Power five conferences, as well as gotten people set up for scholarships, and so much more. We want to be able to help you as much as we have other people who we have been with over the years. Please visit our website at, on there you will be able to see all of our different customers testimonials of people we have helped over the years, as well as different universities we have helped people get recruited to. Please give a call anytime at 918-625-4011.

Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa | Reach New Heights

Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa means you are trying to improve yourself so that we are able to reach new heights. Regardless of whatever sport you may be going for, we were able to get you there and so much more. Whether you’re trying to dunk a ball, and get into track and field, or improve your volleyball spike. We have worked with so many different sports and training coaches over the years, as well as help so many different people get recruited and push them to new heights. We are able to help you achieve those sites as well, as well as so much more that you never thought possible.

By ensuring the Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa is actually functionally successful, as well as not going to put you into a position where you’re going to injure yourself, you were able to get the absolute most out of every second of your training. That is where an expert team can come into play. We know exactly what is required for you to be able to improve your high jump, as well as get that couple extra inches that you never thought was possible. We know that your goals are something that you are putting your mind to, as well as pushing towards every single day. We want to take advantage of that, and make sure you are getting the most of it.

We Improve Vertical Jump Training Tulsa by not only increasing your strength, but also the flexibility of the muscle itself. Whenever you were able to increase your muscle flexibility, that means you were able to increase your range of motion. And whenever you were trying to do something such as jump higher, that means you are going to need to get lower to the ground, as well as cause your muscles to retract at a better and more efficient rate to ensure you were getting every single millimeter out of every single jump.

We also rely on things such as resistance training as well. With resistance training you are forcing your muscles to go above and beyond at their weakest points. For example , whenever you are jumping with a resistance band, whenever you are hitting the Apex with your feet still on the ground, you are feeling the absolute most resistance as well. That means whenever you are jumping without resistance, you are giving consistent effort throughout the entire movement.

We want to ensure that you are able to jump past all of the goals and obstacles that may be anyway. And that’s why we have helped so many people over the years achieve their goals. We believe that there’s no such thing as unachievable. You can visit us on our website at There you will be able to see all the customer service as well as some of the different colleges we have helped people get recruited to. You can also give us a call anytime at 918-625-4011. We can get you set up with a free lesson today.